N4MRV-1 Ashland, VA

Current Weather Conditions

Saturday February-15-2025 21:15

Hazardous Weather Outlook

National Hurricane Center

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 39.6°F / 4.2°C
Newell Temp 39.6°F /4.2°C at 21:15
107 Lib Inside Temp 73.6°F / 23.1°C at 21:15
107 LR Inside Temp 70.2°F / 21.2°C at 21:15
105 Inside Temp 60.0°F / 15.6°C at 21:15
105a Inside Temp 63.2°F / 17.3°C at 21:15
105 Crawl Temp 49.9°F / 10.0°C at 21:15
Garage 46.0°F / 7.8°C
Wind Chill 39.6°F / 4.2°C
Heat Index 39.6°F / 4.2°C
Dew Point 38.3°F / 3.5°C
Humidity 95%
Altimeter 29.946 inHg / 1014.1 mbar
Barometer 29.951 inHg / 1014.3 mbar
Barometer Trend
(3 hours)
-0.157 inHg / -5.3 mbar
Wind 0 mph from N/A (N/A)
Rain Rate 0.13 in/h / 3.3 mm/h
UV Index 0.0
EvapoTranspiration (ET) 0.00 in / 0.0 mm
Soil Moisture
(Volumetric Water Content)
48% at 20:30
Soil Temperature 38.3°F / 3.5°C at 20:30
Soil Conductivity
0.03 dSm at 20:30
CO2 level (parts/million) 476 ppm at 21:15
Solar PV Volts (FARS) 6.73 V at 21:00
Ionizing Radiation Count per minute 19 cpm at 21:15
Ionizing Radiation Dose (microsieverts) 0.11 µSv at 21:15
Solar Radiation 0 W/m²
Solar Storage 75.0°F / 23.9°C
Total daylight today 10 hours, 51 minutes, 3 seconds
2 minutes, 14 seconds more than yesterday

Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
40.1°F / 4.5°C at 10:03
33.0°F / 0.6°C at 00:00
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
40.0°F / 4.4°C at 09:57
27.8°F / -2.3°C at 00:08
High Humidity
Low Humidity
96% at 20:58
52% at 10:21
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
38.6°F / 3.6°C at 21:11
22.9°F / -5.1°C at 00:00
High Barometer
Low Barometer
30.543 inHg / 1034.3 mbar at 01:08
29.950 inHg / 1014.2 mbar at 21:04
Today's Rain 1.15 in / 29.2 mm
High Rain Rate 0.37 in/h / 9.4 mm/h at 18:12
High Wind 8 mph / 13 km/h from 000° at 11:49
Average Wind 1 mph / 1 km/h
RMS Wind 1 mph / 2 km/h
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
1 mph / 1 km/h
High Inside 107 Temp
Low Inside 107 Temp
74.3°F / 23.5°C at 18:15
64.6°F / 18.1°C at 04:00
High UV
Low UV
0.9 at 09:47
0.0 at 00:00
High ET
Low ET
0.00 in / 0.1 mm at 10:00
0.00 in / 0.0 mm at 00:15
High Solar Radiation
Low Solar Radiation
178 W/m² at 08:56
0 W/m² at 00:00


About this Ashland weather station:
Latitude: 37° 45.19' N
Longitude: 077° 29.06' W
Altitude: 210 feet

This station uses a Davis Vantage VP2+ with a FARS 24-hour fan. Various other sensors have been added using LoRaWAN and MQTT protocols. All data is controlled by 'WeeWX', an experimental weather software system written in Python3, which was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.

N4MRV-1 is operating on a Raspberry Pi 5 with Raspbian linux (Bookworm), and Python version: 3.11.2.

RSS feed

Smartphone formatted

WeeWX uptime: 0 days, 4 hours, 41 minutes
Server uptime: 0 days, 4 hours, 41 minutes
weewx v5.1.0

Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: 06:31
Sunrise: 06:58
Transit: 12:23
Sunset: 17:49
End civil twilight: 18:16
Azimuth: 288.3°
Altitude: -40.9°
Right ascension: 329.8°
Declination: -12.3°
Equinox: 20-Mar-2025 05:01
Solstice: 20-Jun-2025 22:42
Rise: 21:00
Transit: 02:19
Set: 08:27
Azimuth: 96.8°
Altitude: 2.1°
Right ascension: 187.0°
Declination: -4.2°
New moon: 27-Feb-2025 19:44
Full moon: 14-Mar-2025 02:54
Phase: Waning gibbous
(89% full)
bothtemps temperatures heatchill outside humidity rain wind barometer Hi Wind Wind Vector 105 Inside Temperature 105a Inside Temperature Newell Shelter Temperature 105 Crawl Temperature 107 LR Inside Temperature CO2 Outside Concentration in PPM Solar PV Volts (FARS) Radiation CPM Soil Moisture Solar Storage Garage Temperature Solar Radiation UV Index day rx percent